
  • [C5] Seunghun Paik, Dongsoo Kim, Chanwoo Hwang, Sunpill Kim and Jae Hong Seo

    Towards Certifiably Robust Face Recognition
    The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV 2024 2024, (TBA) (Top-tier conference in computer vision, acceptance rate: 18.9%)

  • [C4] Seunghun Paik, Dongsoo Kim, Chanwoo Hwang, Sunpill Kim and Jae Hong Seo

    On the Certifiable Robustness of Face Recognition Systems
    CISC-S 2024, (TBA)

  • [C3] Sunpill Kim, Yong Kiam Tan, Bora Jeong, Soumik Mondal, Khin Mi Mi Aung, and Jae Hong Seo

    Scores Tell Everything about Bob: Non-adaptive Face Reconstruction on Face Recognition Systems
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) 2024, (DOI) (Top-tier conference in cybersecurity, acceptance rate: 14.9%)

  • [C2] Seunghun Paik, Sunpill Kim, and Jae Hong Seo

    Analysis on Locality Sensitive Hashing-based Biometric Template Protection Schemes
    34rd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2023, (DOI) (Oral, oral acceptance rate:9%)

  • [C1] Sunpill Kim, Yunseong Jeong, Jinsu Kim, Jungkon Kim, Hyung Tae Lee, and Jae Hong Seo

    IronMask: Modular architecture for protecting deep face template
    IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2021, (DOI) (Top-tier conference in computer vision, acceptance rate: 23.7%)


  • [J1] Bora Jeong, Sunpill Kim, Seunghun Paik, and Jae Hong Seo

    Analysis on Secure Triplet Loss
    IEEE Access, Vol.10, pp 124355--124362 Novemver 2022. (DOI) (IF: 5.113 according to SCImago)


  • [M5] Seunghun Paik, Chanwoo Hwang, Sunpill Kim, and Jae Hong Seo

    Locality-Sensitive Hashing-based Biometric Template Protection Schemes are fully Reversible!
    (Under Review)

  • [M4] Minsu Kim, Seunghun Paik, Seong-ae Baek, SANGYUN SHIN, **Sunpill Kim**, and Jae Hong Seo

    SilverMask: Face Template Protection with Fine-Grained Noise-Correction
    (Under Review)

  • [M3] Sunpill Kim, Seunghun Paik, Chanwoo Hwang, Dongsu Kim, Junbum Shin, and Jae Hong Seo

    IDFace: Efficient and Secure Identification for Face Images
    (Under Review)

  • [M2] Sunpill Kim, Hoyong Shin, and Jae Hong Seo

    Deep Face Template Protection in the Wild
    (Under Review)

  • [M1] Sunpill Kim and Yong Kiam Tan

    Formalization of the Schwartz-Zippel Lemma
    Archive of Formal Proofs, April 2023.